46. Mr. De la Bèreasked the Prime Minister whether he will find time for a discussion of the Motion standing in the name of the hon. Member for Evesham relating to billeting allowance hardships?
§ [That this House notes the hardship which is being inflicted on many small and devoted households throughout the 941 country, by reason of the householders being compelled to billet civil servants, etc., for the sum of £1 1s., to include bed, breakfast and evening meal, and that the evening meal causes much difficulty and trouble in view of the fact that many of the working people who are compelled to billet these civil servants are engaged in work on shifts, or on agriculture in the fields, necessitating their coming home at all different hours, involving excessive work after a long day, with no opportunity of making the necessary preparations; notes that, in view of the rise in the cost of living, the payment of £1 1s. is now wholly inadequate, realises that in the coming winter additional fire and light will add to the already excessive costs, and feels that it is inequitable to burden the poorer sections of the community and compel them to be out of pocket for the benefit of the more wealthy sections of the community who are billeted on them, and urges on the Government the vital necessity of making the necessary financial adjustments, or, alternatively, considering the return of these civil servants to their original addresses at an early date.]
§ The Lord Privy Seal (Mr. Attlee)I regret that I can hold out no hope of a special opportunity being given for the discussion of the Motion standing in the name of my hon. Friend.
Mr. De la BèreIs the right hon. Gentleman not aware that these hardships of billeting allowances prevail throughout the country? In the case of my division it would not be in the public interest to give the special circumstances, so perhaps the right hon. Gentleman would have a word with me afterwards.