HC Deb 06 August 1940 vol 364 cc30-1
47. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Prime Minister whether he has considered the Motion on the Order Paper dealing with profits on food: and will he give time to enable the House to consider the issues raised in that Motion?

[That this House, aware of the great effort being made by all who are engaged in the supply industries, and of the sacrifices being made by those who are serving in the Armed Forces and their dependants, considers that increased dividends should not be allowed to be paid by departmental stores; notes that Lever Brothers and Unilever, in the year 1939, increased their profits by £2,250,000 and paid a dividend of 10 per cent.; that the amount retained by the subsidiaries was double; that the amount placed to contingencies reserve was increased seven times; while the amount carried forward was substantially increased; calls on the Government to put an end to this trading in food, which is unfair to the nation and the Navy who organise convoys to bring supplies for the people; and is of the opinion that immediate action should be taken to cut all overhead charges on the people's needs to a minimum.]

Mr. Attlee

I regret that I am unable to provide special facilities for the discussion of the Motion standing in the name of my hon. Friend.