HC Deb 01 August 1940 vol 363 c1371
1. Mr. Ralph Etherton

asked the Minister of Labour whether he has yet come to a decision in regard to the equalisation, in the manner he has indicated, of the remuneration of conscientious objectors with that of the pay of those serving in the Forces; and how soon any new provisions will become operative?

The Minister of Labour (Mr. Ernest Bevin)

I am not yet in a position to make a further statement on this matter.

Mr. Etherton

Will the right hon. Gentleman press this matter to an early decision, because the present anomalous position is giving grave cause for concern?

Mr. Bevin

Yes, Sir. I am getting on with it as fast as I can; but I am not being assisted in this difficult and technical job by the action of a number of local authorities in taking the law into their own hands.

Mr. Stephen

Will the right hon. Gentleman also see that steps are taken to bring about equalisation of remuneration for Members of this House and for other members of society?

Mr. Speaker

That has nothing to do with the Question on the Paper.