HC Deb 24 April 1940 vol 360 cc197-9
44. Mr. Burke

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that three privates in His Majesty's Forces travelling from Blackpool to Aldershot were charged 2s. 6d., 2s. 3d. plus 3d. service, for three cups of tea only, in a London Midland and Scottish Railway dining-car; that the London Midland and Scottish Railway controller in correspondence states that such charges are quite in order; whether these high charges have his approval; and what steps he proposes to take to protect the travelling public generally, and His Majesty's Forces specially, from this form of profiteering?

Captain Wallace

I am advised that the charge of 2s. 3d. plus 3d. service charge was not for three cups of tea, as the hon. Member suggests, but for three trays with pots of tea and biscuits, that is, 9d. for each tray. The charge was the usual one made on the company's dining cars. Members of His Majesty's Forces in uniform can obtain cups of tea at the reduced charge of 2d. a cup in station refreshment rooms, that is, a penny less than the ordinary charge.

Mr. Burke

Do I understand that these high charges have the approval of the Minister? Has he no control over these high charges? From all parts of the country I am receiving constant complaints. Does he not know that at railway stations soldiers cannot get anywhere near the refreshment places? Surely these men ought not to have to suffer all the disadvantages of long-distance travel and then be fleeced by the railway companies?

Captain Wallace

In regard to the last part of the hon. Member's question, I will certainly be very glad to look into the matter and see whether we can provide further and better facilities at railway stations. As regards meals on dining cars, as it costs a certain amount to run a dining car you cannot expect to have a meal provided at the same price as at a station.

Captain Anstruther-Gray

Why should not dining cars give people fair value for their money?

Mr. Holdsworth

Will the Minister of Transport pay attention to the sense of the House and make representation accordingly to the railway companies?

Captain Wallace

Yes, Sir, most certainly.

Lieut.-Colonel Sir Thomas Moore

As the Y.M.C.A. can supply cups of tea at 1d., why cannot the L.M.S. or the L.N.E.R. do the same?

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