HC Deb 24 April 1940 vol 360 cc192-3
33. Mr. David Adams

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what number of Jewish children have been permitted to enter Palestine on special certificates with the assistance of the Refugee Fund; and whether this movement will continue to receive his cordial support?

Mr. M. MacDonald

There are no special certificates for Jewish children wishing to enter Palestine outside the periodic quotas. Several thousands of Jewish children have been admitted to Palestine in recent times in various categories under the quotas as orphans, students or dependants of permanent residents or of immigrants, and I under- stand that a number of those who have entered Palestine in this way have been assisted to do so by charitable organisations. Figures are not available, however, to show what proportion of the total number have received such assistance.

Mr. Adams

Does this movement receive the Minister's cordial support?

Mr. MacDonald

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Leach

Will the Minister say what he means by "recent times"?

Mr. MacDonald

Some thousands have gone in during the last 12 months.