HC Deb 23 April 1940 vol 360 c71

The Spirit Duty must also be further increased by 15s. per proof gallon, which will make it 97s. 6d. a proof gallon. A simpler comparison to some hon. Members may be that I understand that at the moment the ruling price for a bottle of whisky is 14s. 3d. The increase will be equivalent to 1s. 9d. extra.

Viscountess Astor (Plymouth, Sutton)

Is that all?

Sir J. Simon

On behalf of His Majesty's Government I would like again to thank the French Government for agreeing to waive their Treaty rights and thus permit the increase to apply to French and other imported spirits as well as to the home-produced article. Brandy and whisky in this matter march hand in hand. The increase in the duties on spirits will take effect from to-morrow, and is estimated to produce £7,000,000 in a full year and £6,500,000 this year.

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