HC Deb 17 April 1940 vol 359 cc960-1
38. Sir Haydn Jones

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department when the public authorities which are beneficiaries under the Welsh Church Acts are to receive the properties and the portion of the redemption stock now in the hands of the trustees?

The Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Peake)

I am informed that the Commissioners have decided to make an interim distribution to the University of Wales of all landed properties transferable to the university as from 29th September, 1939, but they are advised that they are not able to make such an interim distribution to the county and county borough councils at present. The landed property transferable to them will, however, be valued as at the same date, and they will be credited with the net income thereon. The Commissioners are not in a position to hand over redemption stock to the beneficiaries at this stage, since the amount to be received by them has not yet been finally decided by the Tithe Redemption Commission, and certain legal decisions affecting it are pending. The Chairman of the Commission explained the position in detail at a conference of beneficiaries at Shrewsbury on 25th January last.

39. Sir H. Jones

asked the Home Secretary how many officials are employed by the Welsh Church Commission, and what salary is paid to each?

Mr. Peake

With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate details in the Official Report.

Following are the details:

The Welsh Church Commissioners employ six salaried officials and 11 temporary clerks and typists. Their salaries and wages amount to £4,685 10s. 0d. as follows:
£ s. d. £ s. d.
*Secretary (vacant)
*Assistant Secretary and Chief Accountant. 650 0 0
Glebe Superintendent 550 0 0
Assistant Accountant 500 0 0
Secretary's Personal Assistant. 435 0 0
Registrar 300 0 0
Accounts Clerk 300 0 0
2,735 0 0
Grade and Temporary Clerks:
1 221 0 0
2 208 0 0
3 201 10 0
4 182 0 0
5 161 4 0
6 161 4 0
7 161 4 0
8 161 4 0
Shorthand Typists:
1 196 15 0
2 157 15 0
Typist 138 14 0
1,950 10 0
4,685 10 0
* The amalgamation of these two posts is under consideration.