HC Deb 17 April 1940 vol 359 c957
32. Mr. Levy

asked the Minister of Information what is the relationship between the Ministry and the Defence Departments in the administration of the censorship; and whether the Defence Departments exercise final authority in deciding what shall be published, and when, on matters that directly concern the Defence Services?

Mr. Grimston

In my right hon. Friend's absence, I have been asked to reply. As was explained by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister, in his statement on 3rd October, the responsibility for censorship rests upon the Departments which are concerned with the subject matter.

Mr. Levy

If an arrangement is come to between the Defence Departments and the Ministry of Information, will my hon. Friend give an assurance that the decision will be announced in the House of Commons and not by means of a Press communiqué?

Mr. Grimston

I am hardly in a position to give that assurance myself, but I will draw the attention of the proper quarters to my hon. Friend's remarks.

Mr. G. Strauss

Will the hon. Gentleman ask the Minister to see that the Defence Departments, on important occasions, such as the events of last week, give the Ministry of Information some positive news and guidance to give to the Press and not just negative news?

Commander Bower

Can we have some explanation why the Minister is not here to answer these very important Questions?

Mr. Grimston

My right hon. Friend is away on an important engagement, which I understand he could not cancel, and I am sure that he regrets not being able to be here.

Mr. Garro Jones

Can we be told what the important engagement is?