HC Deb 17 April 1940 vol 359 cc966-7
53. Mr. A. Edwards

asked the Minister of Supply whether he is purchasing the total output of the Northern Aluminium Company, Limited?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Supply (Colonel Llewellin)

No, Sir. This company are not producers of aluminium metal but are engaged in the rolling and extruding of the metal and its alloys. I understand that practically the whole of their output is taken by the Service Departments.

Mr. Edwards

Has the Minister's attention been drawn to the extravagant advertising of this company, which gives the impression that there are abundant supplies for all purposes? Is the cost of this advertising to be charged to Government account?

Colonel Llewellin

No, Sir, the Ministry of Supply deals only with aluminium metal. It does not deal with any further process, and such a question should be put to somebody other than myself.

Mr. Edwards

Is the Parliamentary Secretary not aware that the cost of all these things ultimately comes back to his Department, and that if there is extravagant advertising, with a view to building up trade after the war, which is a charge on the Department at this stage, is that not an unfair process?

Colonel Llewellin

The aluminium producers with whom we are concerned are producers of aluminium metal. This firm is doing a large amount of work for other Departments, and it is not a matter for the Ministry of Supply.