HC Deb 16 April 1940 vol 359 cc794-5
65. Mr. McEntee

asked the Minister of Supply the engineering qualifications and technical experience which led to the recent appointment of Colonel Wrisberg as Director of Gun and Carriage Production; and what other considerations were taken into account when this appointment was made?

Mr. Burgin

This officer is an artillery officer with the highest technical qualifications and a wide practical experience of gunnery, gun and carriage design and production. He was selected for his present appointment solely on grounds of suitability and after full and careful consideration. He has had 21 years' continuous technical experience on artillery equipments.

66. Mr. McEntee

asked the Minister of Supply why, in view of his assurance that the employment of military personnel would be confined to essentially military posts, appointments since that announcement have been made of military men to what are non-military posts?

Mr. Burgin

The assurance which I gave to the House in this matter is contained in column 1565 of the OFFICIAL REPORT for Friday, 15th March. I am not aware of any case in which that assurance has not been observed. If the hon. Member has any such case in mind and will give me particulars, I will have inquiries made. If what he has in mind is the appointment of Colonel Wrisberg as Director of Gun and Carriage Production, I have already dealt with this in answer to another Question by the hon. Member.