HC Deb 10 April 1940 vol 359 cc563-4
46. Commander Locker-Lampson

asked the Minister of Supply whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction among small businesses at the Ministry's inability to formulate a policy to employ them; and whether he will receive a deputation of hon. Members to urge their claims and to press for their representation upon bodies so far filled mainly by the representatives of big business?

The Minister of Supply (Mr. Burgin)

Yes, Sir. I am aware that there is some dissatisfaction amongst small businesses which are not receiving war contracts. Many of these firms are not in a position to supply stores required by my Department, but every endeavour is constantly being made to place work among the small manufacturers whose capacity is suited to the Ministry's requirements. I shall of course be ready to receive a deputation from hon. Members on the subject if they so desire.

Mr. Shinwell

Can we have an assurance from the right hon. Gentleman that in the present emergency he is not neglecting any possible means of producing supplies and that he will avail himself of all the machinery at his disposal?

Mr. Burgin

That is certainly my desire, and I do not think that either the House or the country has any idea yet of the extent to which the small manufacturers are being used.

Viscountess Astor

Is it not true that the right hon. Gentleman said in his broadcast that there would be a place for the small manufacturers, and has not that led to a good deal of heart-burning among people who really thought he meant what he said?

Mr. Burgin

I meant what I said. There are small manufacturers being added to the list of Government contractors every single day.

Mr. De la Bère

Can my right hon. Friend hear me? I want the little man to have a square deal.