HC Deb 10 April 1940 vol 359 c575
70. Mr. Silkin

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that great and unnecessary hardship is being caused to users of the suburban lines of the Southern Railway, by reason of the drastic reduction in the services; and whether he will make inquiries with a view to an improvement in such services?

Captain Wallace

Owing to the demands made on the railways for the carriage of Government and other essential traffics, including coal, the suburban services have had to be reduced, but the reduction has been made so far as possible during the slack periods. The position is constantly under observation by the railways, and the existing services are being augmented whenever this can be done without interfering with the carriage of essential traffics.

Sir H. Williams

Will the Minister consider the possibility of increasing the average speed on the railways so that we may have more efficient service?

Captain Wallace

An increase in average speed on the railway would have repercussions on the amount of steel required for track maintenance.