HC Deb 09 April 1940 vol 359 c474
87. Mr. David Adams

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware of the serious detention of vessels loading coal cargoes in the Tyne when the coal ordered is not available; and whether he will make arrangements, in future, for the prompt shipment of similar coal from other sources where there is customarily an abundance in the port awaiting tonnage?

Mr. Shakespeare

The Secretary for Mines is aware that there has been delay recently to shipping in the Tyne due to heavy arrivals of tonnage and consequent pressure for loading berths, accentuated by the interference caused by the Easter holidays. The Mines Department is in constant touch with the Ministry of Shipping, both at headquarters and locally, in order to ensure that the fullest use is made both of shipping and loading berths at all ports having regard to the availability of coal.

Mr. Adams

Will the Minister note that this detention of vessels is causing a sense of grievance?