HC Deb 04 April 1940 vol 359 cc324-5
84. Mr. V. Adams

asked the Minister of Supply by what authority his Depart- ment permit certain big firms to use scrap material in the manufacture of light alloys and why smaller firms are forbidden its use?

Colonel Llewellin

The use of secondary aluminium alloys is controlled under the provisions of the Control of Aluminium (No. 4) Order, 1939. Licences have been granted to a large number of firms to purchase secondary aluminium alloys and I am not aware of any discrimination between large and small firms in this respect. If, however, my hon. Friend would care to furnish me with particulars of any cases which he has in mind, I will certainly make inquiries.

Mr. Adams

Is my hon. and gallant Friend aware that the rolling mills are using scrap? Is not a concern at Slough also using scrap in the production of casting alloys, on the authority of the Air Ministry?

Colonel Llewellin

If my hon. Friend has any particular cases in mind and likes to speak to me about them, or write, I certainly shall be glad to look into them.

Mr. De la Bère

Why should there be one law for the big man with big money and another law for the little man with little money?

Colonel Llewellin

I believe I said that I knew of no discrimination between the large firms and the small firms—I suppose they are big men and little men.

Mr. De la Bère

Is it not very desirable lo have fair play all round?