HC Deb 02 April 1940 vol 359 cc20-1
36. Mr. A. Edwards

asked the Minister of Transport what complaints he has had from industrial concerns that their traders are being restricted from carrying out their essential work in the war effort through lack of petrol allowance; and what he intends to do in the matter?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport (Mr. Bernays)

Complaints are received from time to time from firms as to the effect on their businesses of the fuel rationing of goods vehicles. Every complaint is fully investigated through the regional organisation and I have no reason to believe that fuel rations are refused if it can be shown that other reasonable traffic facilities are not available.

Mr. Mathers

Does the Minister mean that even a firm having lorries of its own has to set them aside and leave its men idle, and pay for other facilities, because petrol is not supplied to firms owning vehicles?

Mr. Bernays

Perhaps the hon. Gentleman would put to me the detailed case which he has in mind.

Mr. Edwards

Is the Minister aware that there is in Middlesbrough a concern which has built up stocks of coal—the only one in the district which has stocks of coal, which were brought in entirely by road transport—and that it has been told at a few days' notice that it will have no more petrol?