HC Deb 27 September 1939 vol 351 c1319
23. Mr. Gallacher

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that on 2nd September a number of unemployed men in West Fife received telegrams asking them to start work at Longannet depot, where they worked one shift, after which they were informed that their services were no longer required; that as a result they lost one day's money at the Employment Exchange and have received no payment from the Admiralty; whether he will see that payment is made for the time worked and that alternative employment is found for these men who responded so quickly when appealed to?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty (Mr. Shakespeare)

I am making inquiries into the cases to which the hon. Member refers, and will let him know the result.

Mr. Gallacher

Will the Minister make inquiries into the whole conduct of the employment of labour in this area, because there has been a continued series of complaints during the past two or three weeks in connection with the treatment of men who have been sent by the Employment Exchange?

Mr. Shakespeare

I will consider that matter.