HC Deb 27 September 1939 vol 351 cc1312-3
5. Squadron-Leader Hulbert

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he proposes to issue an official communiquéat regular intervals giving details of what actions units of the Royal Air Force have been engaged in, together with details of outstanding achievements by the Service in all theatres of war, including home defence?

The Secretary of State for Air (Sir Kingsley Wood)

A number of bulletins have already been issued from the Ministry of Information dealing with operations by the Royal Air Force, and particulars have also been published of incidents of special interest that have occurred. Information on these lines will continue to be issued through the same channels from time to time as the occasion arises.

Mr. Garro Jones

Will the right hon. Gentleman take into consideration a change in the former practice of the Ministry, under which it was considered improper to publish the names of officers and men who have been engaged in feats of military importance; and, particularly having regard to the practice of foreign Services,' will he publish those names in suitable cases?

Sir K. Wood

As a matter of fact, I have been discussing that matter, but the hon. Gentleman will appreciate that there are other considerations which have to be taken into account.

Sir Percy Harris

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider following the example of the First Lord of the Admiralty and making a full statement of the work of the Air Force?

Sir K. Wood

Yes, Sir, I propose to do that.