HC Deb 21 September 1939 vol 351 cc1047-8
20. Mr. Mander

asked the Home Secretary whether he will consider the advisability of withdrawing the description enemy aliens now placed on every registration card of Austrian and other refugees, in view of the fact that nearly all these persons are friendly aliens, and the victims of aggression?

Sir J. Anderson

I am in sympathy with the hon. Member's suggestion. Under the Aliens Order, nationals of a state with which this country is at war are subject to certain provisions which are not applicable to aliens of other nationalities. These provisions are explained in two printed slips, of which one is attached to the registration certificate of Germans and Austrians and the other to the certificates of other aliens. I find that, in order to prevent mistakes in the use of the two prints, there were added at the foot of the first print the words "Enemy alien." All these cases are, however, to be reviewed by the tribunals which I am appointing, and wherever the tribunal decides that a German or Austrian can be relieved from the special restrictions applicable to enemy aliens, this slip will be cancelled and a more appropriate endorsement stamped on the certificate.

Colonel Wedgwood

When does the right hon. Gentleman expect the aliens tribunals to be in operation?

Sir J. Anderson

About 1oo appointments have been made. Instructions have been drafted and I hope that all necessary arrangements to enable the tribunals to begin sitting will be completed within the next 10 days.

Mr. Noel-Baker

Does the answer which the right hon. Gentleman has just given and for which we are very grateful mean that Austrians will in future be treated in approximately the same way as the Czechs?

Sir J. Anderson

That point is covered in the general answer which I made when I explained rather carefully about the various categories.