HC Deb 13 September 1939 vol 351 cc644-5
43. Sir H. Morris-Jones

asked the Home Secretary what are the present powers and duties of the Regional Commissioners?

Sir J. Anderson

The Regional Commissioners have now been charged by warrant with the responsibility of ensuring that the Civil Defence plans of the Government Departments and local authorities are properly co-ordinated. Under present conditions they are not invested with specific powers, but they are in a position to use their influence to secure the completion of local Civil Defence preparations and the smooth working of measures already in operation. As was indicated in the reply given by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister to the hon. Member for North Aberdeen (Mr. Garro Jones) on 7th February, in the event of a breakdown of communications the Regional Commissioners, in consultation with the Regional representatives of Government Departments, will exercise the powers vested in His Majesty's Government until communications have been satisfactorily reestablished.

Sir H. Morris-Jones

Will my right hon. Friend assure the House that the present democratic system of local authorities will function until such time as there is lack of communication?

Sir J. Anderson

I understand that the normal system is working, but that it has been most usefully and valuably reinforced by the addition of an emergency organisation held in constant readiness to function in the event of any interruption.

Mr. Lunn

Is it to be understood that the Minister has an overriding authority over these Regional Commissions?

Sir J. Anderson


Sir Francis Fremantle

Does not the Minister recognise the great confusion arising from the use of the words "Regional" and "Regional Commissioners," when the Minister of Health is always referring to the regionalisation of the Ministry of Health?

Sir J. Anderson

There should be no confusion. Regional Commissioners have been appointed, in circumstances which are well known to the House, for the 12 areas into which the country has been divided, and partly in consequence of that plan the arrangements by which the different Ministries concerned in Civil Defence carry out their local functions have been brought into line, so that the Ministry of Health and other Departments have a regional representative at the headquarters of each Regional Commission, and that makes for the elimination of delays.