85. Mr. David Adamsasked the Minister of Shipping whether he is aware that under the Government insurance scheme goods are insured in the United Kingdom while in transit by road, rail, or water if within the territorial three-mile limit, but that if the vessel goes outside the three-mile limit an additional cost for war risk insurance of 15s. per cent. ad valorem is incurred, which is causing serious loss of traffic to the coasting shipping trade and unemployment among sailors and dockers concerned; and whether he will favourably consider including coastwise cargoes in Part II of the War Risks Insurance Act, 1939?
§ Sir J. GilmourI am already in consultation with my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade upon this matter, of which I appreciate the urgency.
Mr. AdamsWill the Minister remember that there are at least 12,000 dockers unemployed in the Port of London and a large number in the Port of Newcastle, and, as many of the coasting vessels are coal carriers, that the coal trade is also affected?