HC Deb 31 October 1939 vol 352 cc1716-8
4. Miss Ward

asked the Secretary of State for War whether all officers have received up to date payments and allowances due to them?

20. Captain Ramsay

asked the Secretary of State for War how many Reserve and Territorial officers called to the colours on the outbreak of war are still without any pay?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

October pay is due to-day. Command Paymasters and the Army Agents, who are charged with the issue of officers' pay, report that pay is being issued to all officers for whom they have received joining reports, with the exception of a small residue of officers from whom the agents are still awaiting instructions as to the account to which they wish their pay credited. In the meantime, the agents are holding the pay at the officers' disposal. In order to elicit the requisite instructions in these cases without further delay, orders have been sent by telegraph to the officers commanding all the units concerned to obtain the information from the officers and telegraph it to the agents, reporting to the War Office that they have done so. As a further measure, a complete census was set on foot a fortnight ago with a view to identifying every officer whose joining had not previously been reported or who for any other reason had not received his pay. This has resulted in a considerable number of cases being picked up, but reports are still coming in, no doubt due to scattered units and frequent moves. If the officer and the unit have done their part, these measures should clear up every outstanding case. I much regret that delays have occurred, but the remedy rests largely in the officers' own hands. If any officer who did not receive his pay would, after verifying that it is not lying at his bank, as it is in a large proportion of cases of complaint, himself communicate with his Army Agents or Command Paymaster or to the Chief Paymaster, the War Office (not the Paymaster-General), stating when and where he joined and how he wishes his pay dealt with, the matter could be quickly settled. As regards allowances, which are all paid by paymasters, the position is similar. Provided the officer's joining has been reported and a claim made, where one is necessary, allowances due for October are being issued to-day.

Miss Ward

While thanking my right hon. Friend for his energetic action, may I ask him, in view of the fact that to my knowledge certain units have had no pay since embodiment, whether from now onwards payment will be regular?

Mr, Hore-Belisha

I have personally looked into every case that has been submitted to me, and in nearly every case either the officer or the unit has omitted to give the necessary instructions. It may interest the hon. Lady to know that the total number of officers in the whole British Army from whom no instructions have yet been received is 371. If they comply with the instructions I hope that they will not be kept in suspense for a moment longer than necessary.

Miss Ward

What is the date of that figure?

Mr. Hore-Belisha


Captain Ramsay

If there are still cases outstanding after this pay day, and if I give my right hon. Friend cases, will he look into them?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

I hope that no hon. Member will hesitate a moment to bring such cases to my notice. Obviously the money is available for them, but owing to some omission or oversight some officers have not been paid. I very much regret it, and if my hon. and gallant Friend will bring any case to my attention I will look into it at once.