HC Deb 26 October 1939 vol 352 c1554
50. Mr. Robert Gibson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, in view of the serious waste of light and, in consequence, of coal due to night-baking, he will take the necessary steps to have night-baking suspended during the war emergency?

The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Sir John Anderson)

I see no reason to modify the opinion already expressed that no such new factors have arisen as would justify the prohibition of night-baking at the present time.

Mr. Gibson

The right hon. Gentleman has stated that no new factor has arisen: is not the war itself a new factor, and is not the need for economising fuel also a new factor arising out of the war?

Sir J. Anderson

I did not seek to deny the existence of new factors. What I said was that they were not, in our opinion, sufficient to justify the step suggested.

Mr. Banfield

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that, in the City of Birmingham, out of 263 employers 223 are in favour of day work; and cannot the right hon. Gentleman do something to give effect, at any rate, to a local desire of that kind, coming from the employers?

Sir J. Anderson

That is a different question.

Mr. Banfield

That is a new factor, anyway.