HC Deb 24 October 1939 vol 352 cc1200-1
58. Mr. Hannah

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in order to secure economy and to make even a slight improvement in old age pensions, he will consider cuts in the expenditure of this House, such as using cheaper writing paper, having fewer fires and inviting hon. Members to travel third-class?

Captain Crookshank

The possibility of effecting such economies will be borne in mind, and I should welcome any action which hon. Members themselves feel able to take to that end in matters within their own control. The savings resulting from these as from other economies, however, will in accordance with ordinary doctrine be applied to help the national effort as a whole rather than to any special purpose.

Mr. Hannah

Would not any additional economy on the part of Members of Parliament be enormously appreciated by the country, if only as a gesture?

Mr. Gallacher

If any economies are made can we be assured that the money will go to increase old age pensions?