HC Deb 19 October 1939 vol 352 cc1002-4
5. Mr. J. Griffiths

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that in cases where men serving with the Forces made an allotment out of their pay to their fathers, the Unemployment Assistance Board deduct 9s. out of the 17s. allotment from the father's unemployment allowance; and will he take steps to stop this practice which is causing dissatisfaction?

Mr. E. Brown

I assume that the hon. Member is referring to a dependant's allowance, part only of which is derived from the man's own pay. I am not aware that the Board's practice in regard to the treatment of these allowances is causing dissatisfaction, but if the hon. Member has any particular case in mind and cares to let me have details I will have inquiries made.

Mr. Griffiths

I will send the right hon. Gentleman the details. May I ask whether on the principle of this reduction he will say whether it has the approval of the Board?

Mr. Brown

I understand that the Board are now considering whether any change in their previous practice is necessary. As the hon. Member knows, it is difficult for me to say precisely what kind of case he has in his question, but if he will let me know what it is we can discuss the matter.

Mr. Thorne

In the case of allowances, would it receive any consideration?

Mr. Brown

This is not a matter of the Fund but of allowances.

Mr. Robert Gibson

Will the right hon. Gentleman keep in mind that this bears much more heavily on a widow whose son is serving?

Mr. Brown

That is just the kind of problem which is now being considered.

8. Lieut.-Commander Tufnell

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will ascertain the approximate number of wives of serving soldiers who, failing to receive their statutory allowances, have been obliged to have recourse to the unemployment assistance authorities; and whether, in that case, they must register for employment which they do not need and disclose their financial position?

Mr. Brown

I regret that there are no figures available which would enable me to answer the first part of the question. As regards the second part, the Board is not empowered to grant allowances except on the basis of need, and it is therefore necessary for all applicants to provide particulars of their circumstances, but they are not required to register for employment where no useful purpose would be served by their doing so.

Lieut.-Commander Tufnell

In view of the resentment felt by these women in having to go to the unemployment assistance board and being bandied about from one office to another, would my right hon. Friend arrange to have a separate office at which these cases could be investigated with the sympathetic attention that is due to them?

Mr. Brown

The hon. and gallant Member knows that the origin of these allowances is not with me. We have to deal with needs.

Mr. Sutcliffe

Is the right hon. Gentleman doing his utmost with his right hon. Friend to expedite these payments, as many women are suffering great difficulties at the moment and are being pressed hard for rent?

Mr. Brown

I am sure that my right hon. Friend is fully seized about that.

9. Lieut.-Commander Tufnell

asked the Minister of Labour whether, in view of the fact that the wives of serving soldiers who cannot obtain their statutory allowances are forced to wait long periods in queues at some Employment Exchanges and unemployment assistance boards to receive advances of the money due to them, he will take steps to arrange shorter waiting periods and the avoidance of waiting in such queues?

Mr. Brown

Every effort is made so to regulate attendance at local offices that, if instructions are observed, there should be no undue waiting. If my hon. Friend will give me particulars of any specific cases he has in mind, I will look into them.

20. Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that there is considerable discontent among those in receipt of grants from the Unemployment Assistance Board in Rayleigh and Dagen-ham and district at their inadequacy following the recent increase in the cost of living; and whether winter allowances will be introduced forthwith?

Mr. Brown

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. Member for Normanton (Mr. T. Smith) on 27th September and to the hon. Member for Stoke (Mr. E. Smith) on 5th October.

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