HC Deb 18 October 1939 vol 352 cc857-8
27. Mr. Creech Jones

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether Mr. Wallace Johnson is still under arrest in Sierra Leone; with what crime is he charged; and whether he will be brought to trial?

The Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. Malcolm MacDonald)

Mr. Wallace Johnson is detained under a Sierra Leone Defence Regulation, corresponding to Regulation 18B of the Defence Regulations in force in this country—which provides for such detention when the Governor is satisfied that it is necessary to prevent the individual concerned acting in a way prejudicial to public safety or defence. Mr. Johnson's objections to his detention will be heard by an Advisory Committee set up, as provided by the Regulations, consisting of the Chief Justice as Chairman, a senior administrative officer and one of the African Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council.

Mr. Creech Jones

Will the right hon. Gentleman impress upon Colonial Governors and Governments the importance of safeguarding civil and political liberty during the period of the war and that natives or inhabitants of the territories should not be interned merely for holding unpopular opinions?

Mr. MacDonald

The Colonial Governors and Governments are fully aware of that consideration and are anxious to carry it out.

Mr. Paling

Does the right hon. Gentleman's answer mean that this man has been detained, and is being detained, for no reason whatever, except that somebody there does not like him, and is it not time that kind of thing was finished, particularly at this time?

Mr. MacDonald

No, Sir; the answer does not mean that at all. The law of procedure as regards this matter in the Colonies is similar to that which has been consented to by this House in the present emergency.