HC Deb 17 October 1939 vol 352 cc678-9
49. Mr. A. Edwards

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will consider inviting persons whose estates will be liable to Death Duties to pay such duties in advance under a form of taxation to be styled a Patriotism Life Tax; and whether he will make an appeal to people who can afford it to lend their money free of interest for the duration of the war?

Sir J. Simon

The proposal regarding advance payment of Death Duties put forward by the hon. Member is one which has been considered on previous occasions; and I am afraid that I cannot see my way to adopt it. In reply to the second part of the question, a number of public-spirited people have already lent sums, large and small, to the State free of interest and I have gratefully acknowledged their generosity on behalf of the nation. Such generosity involves a personal sacrifice which is additional to the common burden of taxation imposed by Parliament and I think that it is therefore a matter for individual initiative rather than for a Government appeal.

Mr. Edwards

Can the Chancellor give any idea of the total amount so lent to the State?

Sir J. Simon

I cannot do so without notice.

Mr. Thorne

Will the right hon. Gentleman draw this to the attention of those who apply for Treasury Bills?

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