HC Deb 12 October 1939 vol 352 cc503-5
58. Mr. Davidson

asked the Home Secretary the total number of private firms in Glasgow who have provided adequate air-raid protection for their employés?

Sir J. Anderson

Reports under Section 14 of the Civil Defence Act have been received in respect of some 800 factory premises and commercial buildings in Glasgow. Pending applications for Government grant from the firms concerned, I am not in a position to say in how many cases the shelters have been completed.

Mr. Davidson

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the shelters provided by employers in Glasgow are very inadequate indeed, and can he take steps to see that they understand their responsibilities to their employés?

Sir J. Anderson

I am doing everything that is possible in the matter.

61. Mr. Doland

asked the Home Secretary whether tenants of shop premises that have been designated for public air-raid shelters are compelled to provide the personnel to keep the premises so designated open all night and at week-ends, as well as in business hours, and to defray the wages of such personnel; and in what way can such extra expenses incurred by shopkeepers be recovered?

Sir J. Anderson

Where public shelters are situated in premises which continue to be occupied for their normal uses, it is frequently convenient that the arrangements necessary to secure the admission of the public should be made by the occupier rather than by the local authority; local authorities have been authorised to reimburse reasonable expenditure incurred in this way.

Mr. Doland

Does the right hon. Gentleman know that the Westminster Council have issued a circular to the effect that they have no authority whatever?

Sir J. Anderson

Authority has been given.

Colonel Nathan

Is there any legislative authority for making it compulsory upon such persons to provide officers?

Sir J. Anderson

So far as I am aware, no.

71. Mr. Davidson

asked the Home Secretary whether a complete scheme has now been submitted from Glasgow to provide adequate air-raid shelters for the population?

Sir J. Anderson

As a result of discussions between the District Commissioner for Civil Defence in the West of Scotland and the Emergency Committee of the Glasgow Corporation, the committee have agreed to take advantage of the advisory services of regional officers of my Department stationed in Glasgow, and during the past fortnight these officers have been working in close co-operation with the officers of the corporation. Schemes for the provision of air-raid shelter on a large scale have been adopted and I am informed that the local authority is now pressing on with their construction as a matter of the utmost urgency.

Mr. Davidson

Can the right hon. Gentleman give any explanation of the long delay on the part of the local authority or the officials in submitting complete plans for precautions?

Sir J. Anderson

It would be very difficult to give an explanation within the limits of an answer to a supplementary question.

72. Mr. D. M. Adams

asked the Home Secretary the number of both steel and concrete shelters required for South Poplar and the number erected; and will he give separate figures for the Isle of Dogs?

Sir J. Anderson

I have not thought it right to add to the burdens of the local authority by asking them to collect and furnish to me statistical information in respect of particular sections of their area. I have particulars of the general shelter position in the borough as a whole, and shall be glad to communicate those particulars to the hon. Member by letter, if he so desires.

76. Mr. Loģan

asked the Home Secretary whether he intends to supply Anderson shelters to the county borough of Warrington; when deliveries may be expected; whether he is aware that the local authority have given out to contract the erection of a large number of surface shelters on the basis of 15 per cent. on wages and 20 per cent. profit on materials and that the erection of these shelters is causing dissatisfaction in the continued absence of Anderson shelters; and will he make inquiries?

Sir J. Anderson

I am making inquiries and will communicate with the hon. Member.