§ 17. Mr. Edmund Harveyasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how many Crown Colonies offered to take shares in the permanent war-debt charges of this country arising from the war of 1914-18; how much these contributions amounted to; how much was to be paid by annual quota; and how many such quotas remain to be paid?
Mr. M. MacDonaldNo Colonial Government offered to take a share in the 1914–18 war debt charges, but 15 Colonial Governments contributed to the actual cost to the United Kingdom Government of that war, or to the redemption of war debt. The contributions amounted to a total of approximately £10,500,000 and in a few instances they were spread over varying periods of years. As regards the last part of the question, one Colonial Government undertook to pay a sum of £60,000 a year for 40 years and 10 instalments were paid: payment was then suspended, in view of the general suspension of war debt payments. All the other undertakings were completed.
§ Mr. HarveyIs that Colonial Government the Government of Jamaica?