HC Deb 11 October 1939 vol 352 cc322-3
38. Mr. Mathers

asked the Attorney-General what steps he proposes to take to meet the difficulties of persons who, because of war emergency conditions, find themselves unable to continue payment of insurance premiums, thus involving serious loss by the failure to meet these obligations?

The Attorney-General

The difficulties which the hon. Gentleman has raised will be made the subject of very careful consideration.

Mr. Mathers

Should not this be made the subject of legislation, and why were these provisions not made in the Courts (Emergency Powers) Act which is now available, and which did contain, at the beginning of the last war, provisions along the lines I am now suggesting?

The Attorney-General

I am not quite sure that that is accurate. The question raises very serious issues and very far-reaching consequences, and, as I have told the hon. Gentleman, it is being subjected to very careful consideration, and it would certainly be quite wrong to make any statement with regard to its practicability or impracticability until this has been done.

Mr. T. Smith

Is the Attorney-General aware that this subject is causing a great deal of anxiety among men who have been called up, and will he, therefore, expedite a decision on the matter?

Mr. Lyons

While my right hon. and learned Friend is considering the important question involved, will he also take into account the question of the added premium put on by insurance companies in many cases because of the added risks to the persons insured?

The Attorney-General

If my hon. and learned Friend will give me further particulars of that I shall be glad to consider it.

Mr. Mathers

Why does the right hon. and learned Gentleman cast doubts on the practicability of my suggestion when this was done on the occasion of the last war?

The Attorney-General

It does not, of course, follow that everything that was done in the last war necessarily worked well. The question is a difficult one. I told the hon. Gentleman that it is receiving very careful consideration, and I can assure him that there will be no delay in considering the matter. I cannot go further than that in answer to his questions this afternoon.