HC Deb 09 October 1939 vol 352 c11
12. Mr. Viant

(for Mr. Cocks) asked the Minister of Agriculture whether the district committee of the war agricultural executive has yet examined Manor House Farm, Old Brinsley, Nottinghamshire, and other farms in the same ownership; and, if so, are they satisfied with the condition of the land and the use to which it is put?

Sir R. Dorman-Smith

I have no information as to whether the Nottinghamshire War Agricultural Executive Committee have yet arranged for an inspection of the property mentioned by the hon. Member, but I am ascertaining, and will communicate with him.

Mr. T. Williams

During these investigations will the local committee also ascertain whether the tenant farmer is to be entitled to farm his own land or whether he is obliged to farm under the instructions of the local bank manager?