§ 48. Colonel Baldwin-Webbasked the Minister of Agriculture how much money has been distributed to farmers in the form of cattle subsidy; how much of this money has been paid on Irish cattle, and how much on English; the total administration cost since it came into force; and how much money has been spent on inquiring into, and preparing for, centralised slaughtering?
§ Sir R. Dorman-SmithAs the reply contains a number of figures I will, with my hon. and gallant Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.
§ Mr. H. MorrisonIn view of the postponement of the General Election, is it necessary to continue spending this money for political purposes?
§ Following is the reply:
§ The amounts paid by way of cattle subsidy to producers of fat cattle in the United Kingdom from 1st September, 1934, to 31st October, 1939, were as follow:
823§ Under the Emergency Provisions Scheme a flat rate subsidy of 5s. per cwt. was paid on all eligible animals, irrespective of whether they were homebred or imported. No separate record was kept of payments for the two classes of animals, and the figures given above represent the estimated allocation between the two classes.
§ Imported animals must have been kept in the United Kingdom for a period of at least three months, in order to be eligible for subsidy.
§ Payments in respect of animals imported from Eire are not separately distinguished in the accounts, but the bulk of the expenditure in relation to imported animals was in respect of cattle from Eire.
§ No separate record has been kept of the administrative expenditure of the Livestock Commission in relation to slaughterhouse schemes, but it is estimated that the sums spent in this service during the period 1st August, 1937, to the outbreak of war amount to about £7,500.