HC Deb 15 November 1939 vol 353 cc706-7
46. Mr. De la Bére

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what steps he is taking to ensure that bakers whose cost of production enables them to sell the 2 lb. loaf at 2½d. wholesale, are safeguarded from being black-listed, and are assured of regular flour supplies?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Mr. Lennox-Boyd)

I shall be happy to consider any evidence which my hon. Friend has in his possession to the effect that flour supplies are not assured to bakers selling bread at the price quoted.

Mr. De la Bére

Does not the fact that this bread is produced and sold at a profit at this price demonstrate that the price which is being charged by the price-fixing association of milling combines, which has exploited the public for years and years, is a well known scandal?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

My hon. Friend's supplementary raises quite a different question. If he wishes to raise any particular case, he cannot do better than follow the procedure stated in my answer.

Mr. De la Bére

Is my hon. Friend not aware that my supplementary was very much to the point?

Mr. Logan

If I produce evidence of a case where a gentleman is being kept out from this kind of business, will the hon. Gentleman look into the matter?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd


47. Mr. De la Bére

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, since the price of flour is now controlled by the Government, whether he can state the price which the Government are charging to bakers in London and the provinces, respectively; and whether he can say if this is the standard price, or whether there are variations in the varieties of flour which is sold at these prices?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

All flour mills are now required to make a straight-run flour of not less than 70 per cent. extraction. The price throughout the United Kingdom is fixed at 22s. per sack of 280 lb. delivered. Any variations which occur in the flour sold are due to variations in the grist available.

Sir Joseph Lamb

Is it not a fact that, owing to the amount of flour bought instead of wheat, many millers are to-day not producing flour at all?

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