HC Deb 01 November 1939 vol 352 cc1931-3
59. Mr. Lipson

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster the percentage increase in the price of fish since war broke out and whether he is proposing to fix maximum prices; and, if so, when?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

According to the Ministry of Labour index, the average percentage increase in the retail prices of fish during the month of September was 29. The October figures are not yet available. In regard to the latter part of the hon. Member's question, I would refer him to the reply given to the hon. Member for Birkenhead on 12th October. It is hoped that the steps which are being taken to set up an Advisory Committee, which I desire to consult on this as on other matters, will be completed at an early date.

Mr. Lipson

Will the right hon. Gentleman give an assurance that, should there be a further steep increase in fish prices, he will not hesitate to fix maximum prices?

Mr. Morrison

Should circumstances justify, I will gladly give that assurance.

Mr. Henderson Stewart

Is the Advisory Committee to which my right hon. Friend has just referred the same one as that to which the First Lord of the Admiralty referred earlier to-day?

Mr. Morrison

I had not the privilege of hearing the reference of the First Lord.

64. Mr. Loftus

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether the pledge given to the herring fishing in dustry that the Ministry of Food would purchase all surplus herring at 30s. per cran still holds good; and will he authorise the English and Scottish fleets to fish to capacity and make adequate arrangements for dealing with the catch?

Mr. Morrison

The Ministry has undertaken to purchase at 30s. per cran all herring not sold at 40s. per cran or over. This undertaking is restricted to the present fishing season at Lowestoft and Yarmouth and in respect of a limited number of boats. In reply to the second part, I would point out that the herring fishing is not controlled, and if the owners of the vessels desire to fish to full capacity, they are free to do so. It is obvious, however, that an undertaking of this nature could not be given without some limit upon the number of vessels to which it would apply, and the number taken was that proposed by the owners themselves.

65. Mr. Loftus

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he is aware that out of a total English and Scottish herring drifter fleet of 250 vessels now fishing from Lowestoft and Yarmouth on 25th October no boats were allowed to go to sea, and on preceding and subsequent days, only a maximum of 60, because of the difficulty of disposing of the catch; and whether he will take immediate steps to prevent this waste of potential food reserves, especially in view of the fact that the fishing season will be over in a few weeks?

Mr. Morrison

Restrictions on the number of those fishing vessels which may operate on a particular day are a matter of arrangement between the owners themselves, and are not due in any way to interference by my Department. They are, I understand, in accordance with the normal peace-time practice which obtains when, as on the days referred to by the hon. Member, the market is suffering from a temporary glut of fish following exceptionally heavy landings, and there would appear to be no case for Government intervention.