HC Deb 25 May 1939 vol 347 cc2464-5
5. Mr. Leonard

asked the Minister of Labour how many estates have been purchased for land settlement through the Special Areas Fund; the number of holdings ready for occupation by settlers; the number occupied, and of the latter those held by persons still dependent on the Unemployment Assistance Board?

Mr. E. Brown

Twenty-five estates have been purchased from the Special Areas Fund for land settlement in England and Wales. Five are held by the Welsh Land Settlement Society (four for co-operative farming and one partly for small holdings and partly for co-operative farming) and the remainder are held by the Land Settlement Association. In addition, assistance is being given towards the cost of settlement on 13 estates which have been acquired by other means. I propose to circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the other information desired by the hon. Member.

Following is the information:

Present capacity (families). Families in Occupation.
As tenants or as employés on co-operative farms. Undergoing training and in receipt of allowances.
Estates purchased from the Special Areas Fund.
Welsh Land Settlement Society:
4 Estates for Co-operative Fanning 170‡ 149
1 Estate partly for Co-operative 34 24
Farming and partly small holdings.
Land Settlement Association:
20 Estates for small holdings 980§ 317* 352
In addition 12 men are undergoing preliminary training before being joined by their families.
Estates not purchased from the Special Areas Fund but assistance being given from that fund towards settlement.
Land Settlement Association:
2 Estates for small holdings 66 37† 24
Durham County Council:
9 Estates for small holdings 192 67 125
Glamorgan County Council:
1 Estate for small holdings 20 13
Monmouthshire County Council:
1 Estate for small holdings 40 40
* Includes ten Rural Tenants.
† Includes five Rural Tenants. These tenants are placed on various estates for demonstration purposes.
‡ This total of 170 does not include the vacancies which will be available on one Estate which is not yet ready to receive settlers.
§ This total of 980 does not include the capacity of four estates which have been acquired, but where development is in suspense pending consideration of the forthcoming report of the Dampier Committee.