HC Deb 23 May 1939 vol 347 cc2083-5
69. Mr. R. Gibson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many timber houses had been authorised, and of these, how many had been completed under each of the local authorities in Scotland at the last available date; what was the position at the corresponding date a year ago; and whether he has any statement to make regarding the effect of operations under air-raid precautions and National Service schemes on the rate of production of houses in Scotland?

The Lord Advocate (Mr. T. M. Cooper)

As the answer involves a tabu-

Numbers of Timber Houses.
Local Authority. Approved. Completed.
Up to 30th April, 1938. Up to 30th April, 1939. Up to 30th April, 1938. Up to 30th April, 1939.
County Councils.
Angus 4 4
Ayr 40 92 2 56
Dunbarton 90
Fife 40
Lanark 512 68
Perth 10
West Lothian 70
Town Councils.
Aberdeen 76
Ayr 36
Dundee 540 32
Forres 2 2
Fraserburgh 37
Greenock 100
Kirkintilloch 50 20
Scottish Special Housing Association. 650 38
Total 40 2,309 2 220
With regard to the last part of the question local authorities completed a total of 6,146 houses of all types in the first four months of 1939, which exceeds the corresponding number for any previous year.
77. Mr. Day

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether, in view of the fact that on the occasion of the last housing survey in Scotland it was discovered that over 500,000 persons were living in one or two-room apartments, of which over 46 per cent. were overcrowded, he can now say what legislation the Government propose to introduce to remedy these conditions?

The Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Colville)

I would refer the hon.

lar statement, I propose with the hon, and learned Member's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Gibson

Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman aware that the erection of 100 timber houses in Greenock is being held up for lack of timber, and will he look into the matter and do his best to expedite the erection of these houses, which are urgently required?

The Lord Advocate

I will do that.

Mr. C. Williams

Can my right hon. and learned Friend give the answer to the last part of the question, which does not involve figures?

Following is the answer:

Member to the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1935, which relates to the special problem of overcrowding in Scotland, and to the Housing (Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Act, 1938, which increased the Exchequer assistance made available for this purpose. The survey referred to was made under the former Act to ascertain the extent of the overcrowding problem.

Mr. Day

Is the Minister satisfied with the improvement that has been made since the last survey?

Mr. Colville

I am never satisfied, and there is a great deal more to be done, but the fact remains that substantial progress is being made.

Mr. Day

When will the next survey be made?

Mr. Colville

No decision has been arrived at as to making a general survey, but I am in touch with the local authorities, and in a number of cases regional figures are available.

Mr. R. Gibson

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the erection of timber houses in Scotland is being held up owing to lack of material, and will he keep that fact in view?