§ That they have agreed to,—
- Saint Nicholas Millbrook (Southampton) Church (Sale) Bill, without Amendment.
- London Midland and Scottish Railway Bill, with an Amendment.
- Camps Bill, with Amendments.
§ Amendments to—
- Mumbles Pier Bill [Lords],
- City of London (Various Powers) Bill [Lords], without Amendment.
§ That they have passed a Bill, intituled, "An Act to empower the Metropolitan Water Board to execute works and to acquire lands; and for other purposes." [Metropolitan Water Board Bill [Lords.]
§ And also a Bill, intituled, "An Act to provide for the abandonment of the 1631 Droitwich Canal and the Droitwich Junction Canal and the vesting thereof in the Droitwich Corporation; and for other purposes." [Droitwich Canals (Abandonment) Bill [Lords.]