HC Deb 12 May 1939 vol 347 cc864-5
Mr. Noel-Baker

(by Private Notice) asked the Minister of Health whether he will expedite his meeting with Messrs. Brown Bayley, Ltd., concerning the erection of a steelworks at Edale, Derbyshire, in view of the fact that building operations have already been begun?

The Minister of Health (Mr. Elliot)

The meeting between Messrs. Brown Bayley, Ltd. and the Secretary of State for Air, and myself, took place this morning. I understand from Messrs. Brown Bayley that on Wednesday they had an interview with the Peak District branch of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England, and undertook to examine alternative sites. Representatives from the Air Ministry and the Ministry of Health will be available to give any assistance in their power during the review of these alternative sites which it is hoped will take place at an early date, possibly next week.

Mr. Noel-Baker

While thanking the Minister for his prompt action, may I ask whether he will represent to the rural district council that if they carry through this plan they will destroy their industry as a holiday centre, and very shortly will have a derelict steelworks on their hands, with consequent unemployment, and will find their unemployed living on the dole, as has happened so often before?

Mr. Elliot

That would be a somewhat extensive representation for me as Minister of Health to make to the rural district council. I am sure we shall do better by the direct discussions with the firm in question which are now in progress.

Mr. Ellis Smith

Will the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for Air inform the firm that we should welcome this steelworks in North Staffordshire?