HC Deb 11 May 1939 vol 347 cc658-9
12. Mr. Mainwaring

asked the Minister of Labour whether it is intended that the newly-appointed Commissioner for Special Areas shall concentrate upon the provision of alternate economic activity in places that have become or are becoming derelict; and can he give some indication as to how he hopes to succeed in this undertaking?

Mr. E. Brown

The functions of the Commissioner for the Special Areas are laid down in Section 1 (i) of the Special Areas (Development and Improvement) Act, 1934. They are the initiation, organisation, prosecution and assistance of measures designed to facilitate the economic development and social improvement of the Special Areas. I have no authority to instruct him to concentrate on any one of these functions to the exclusion of the others.

Mr. Mainwaring

Is it not a fact that one of the functions of the Commissioner is to assist in the revival of economic activity in derelict areas? Are we not now entitled to ask whether the newly-appointed Commissioner will begin to do the work that has been so long awaiting him?

Mr. Brown

The hon. Member asks for a Debate on a subject about which the House is very well informed. I can assure him that every effort will be made to carry out the purposes which Parliament meant to be carried out under the Act.

Mr. Mainwaring

When can we expect the Commissioner to begin his task?