HC Deb 11 May 1939 vol 347 cc665-6
22. Mr. Whiteley

asked the Minister of Health whether he will consider the setting up of a committee to examine the present rating system, with a view to a uniform system for the nation being adopted?

Mr. Elliot

I would refer the hon. Member to the answer given on 4th May by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister to the hon. Member for Stoke (Mr. E. Smith), of which I am sending him a copy.

Mr. Cartland

Would it not be possible to refer to the committee which is already considering the valuation scheme, the larger question with regard to rating?

Mr. Elliot

I do not think so. The present committee has a very important but limited task, and I do not think we could refer the larger question to it.

Mr. Whiteley

Does the right hon. Gentleman take into consideration the serious situation which is arising owing to the increased burdens placed on local authorities by new legislation, and does he realise that unless something is done soon there will be serious difficulties?

Mr. Lyons

In view of the burdens now placed on the shoulders of all the small traders, shopkeepers and ratepayers throughout the country because of the burdens on the local authorities, will my right hon. Friend try to expedite the recommendations of that committee?

Mr. W. Joseph Stewart

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that if the Government increased old age pensions, this would have an appreciable effect on the rates in certain areas?

40. Mr. R. C. Morrison

asked the Minister of Health whether he has considered the copy of a resolution passed by the Middlesex County Council calling for legislation to secure for local authorities, either directly or through the State, some portion of the enhanced values and/or revenues created in consequence of public enterprise and expenditure; and whether he proposes to take any action?

Mr. Elliot

The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As regards the second part, I am not contemplating the introduction of legislation for this purpose.

Mr. Morrison

Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind that when an important county council like the Middlesex County Council, which has an overwhelming Conservative majority, passes a resolution of this sort, it is an indication of the seriousness of the financial position of local authorities?

Mr. Elliot

I always attach the greatest importance to the resolutions of local authorities, whether they have overwhelming Conservative majorities or not.