HC Deb 04 May 1939 vol 346 cc2045-6
18. Sir A. Knox

asked the Home Secretary whether he will take the necessary steps to secure the appointment for duty at termini in the West End and the City of London, of interpreters in German and Yiddish, for the assistance of refugees?

Sir S. Hoare

If my hon. and gallant Friend knows of people who are willing to supplement the good work of the voluntary organisations by offering their services as interpreters, any such offers should be sent to the Co-ordinating Committee.

Sir A. Knox

Alternatively, would it not be desirable that a proportion of the police should learn these languages, in order to help the exotic population that is now crowding our streets?

Sir S. Hoare

No, Sir; the police have not enough time for the work they have to do already.

21. Colonel Wedgwood

asked the Home Secretary whether he will now see fit to issue visas to two male refugees of the name of Stegmans, in view of the fact that they are transmigrants and have 50 dollars a month guaranteed them so long as they remain in England?

The Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Peake)

The question whether these two refugees can be admitted to this country as transmigrants depends on whether there is a prospect of their being admitted to the country of ultimate destination. My right hon. Friend understands that this question is at present under investigation.

Colonel Wedgwood

Is 50 dollars a month reckoned as sufficient to be a guarantee that they will not come on to the Poor Law?

Mr. Peake

That really is not the question that was put by the right hon. and gallant Gentleman. The case is put forward on the basis that these two men are transmigrants to the United States, and we want to be assured, therefore, that satisfactory arrangements have been concluded for their entry into the United States.

Mr. Hannah

Ought we not to be doing far more for these refugees?