HC Deb 28 March 1939 vol 345 cc1888-9
55. Mr. McGovern

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether his attention has been drawn to the offers made by representatives of the Irish Free State to the Government of Northern Ireland to meet them in conference, with a view to ending partition and securing a united Ireland; and whether he will call such a conference and use his influence to end this division in Ireland?

The Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs (Sir Thomas Inskip)

My attention has been called to the suggestion for a conference between Eire and Northern Ireland which was put forward in the course of a debate in the Senate of Eire last month. I do not feel that the action indicated by the hon. Member in the second part of his question is likely to be useful.

Mr. McGovern

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the overwhelming majority of the people are in favour of this course; and is this small minority in Northern Ireland to be allowed to dominate the great majority in that country? Can the right hon. Gentleman state whether the Northern Ireland Parliament, or its Government, are still considering the use of German arms if any attempt is made to effect that change?

Sir T. Inskip

The hon. Member's question is so remotely connected with the original question that I cannot attempt to reply.

Mr. McGovern

I asked whether the right hon. Gentleman was aware that the overwhelming majority of the people were in favour of this course, and whether the minority were to be allowed to dominate the majority?

Sir T. Inskip

The Prime Minister made a statement this year that this was a matter for Northern Ireland and Eire, and to that I cannot add anything.