HC Deb 27 March 1939 vol 345 cc1692-4
15. Miss Rathbone

asked the Prime Minister whether the British Red Cross have begun the work for the assistance of Spanish refugees in Southern France for which His Majesty's Government have given them a grant; what form their assistance is taking; and whether their work will supplement or supersede that hitherto undertaken, in France or in Spain, by the International Commission for the Assistance of Child Refugees?

Mr. Butler

Yes, Sir. The assistance has so far consisted chiefly of supplies of clothing and bedding. This work is supplementary to that of the International Commission for the Assistance of Child Refugees, which is not concerned with the relief of men of military age.

Mr. Noel-Baker

Is the right hon. Gentleman satisfied that the British Red Cross is already on the spot?

Mr. Butler

Yes, Sir.

16. Miss Rathbone

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that 10,000 Italian troops and a large quantity of war material of exceptionally heavy calibre destined for Cadiz and other Spanish ports have passed in Italian and Spanish ships through the Straits of Gibraltar during the past two months; and what reports on the subject have reached him, either from His Majesty's representative at Gibraltar or from the representatives there of the Spanish Republican Government?

Mr. Butler

I would refer the hon. Lady to the reply given to the hon. Member for Broxtowe (Mr. Cocks) on 13th March, to which I have nothing to add.

Miss Rathbone

Are we to understand from that reply that there is no evidence? May I submit to the right hon. Gentleman evidence to the contrary, giving the names of ships and the dates on which they passed through?

Mr. Butler

I will certainly consider any evidence which the hon. Lady submits. If she will read my reply to the hon. Member for Broxtowe she will see that that forms part of my answer to her question.

17. Miss Rathbone

asked the Prime Minister the date of the inquiries addressed to General Franco by His Majesty's Government as to whether, and on what conditions, he was willing to agree to the evacuation of refugees from Republican ports in British warships; whether any reply has yet been received; and, if not, will he press for an answer?

Mr. Butler

The inquiries were made on 15th March. On 22nd March His Majesty's Chargé d' Affaires ascertained that the Spanish Government had not yet formulated their reply.

Miss Rathbone

If General Franco has taken over a fortnight to say whether he approves or disapproves, may it not be taken that silence gives consent and that he does not disapprove of the evacuation of refugees? Is it necessary to wait any longer for a reply?

Mr. Butler

We will do our best to get an early reply. I would rather see a reply.