§ Message to attend the Lords Commissioners;
§ The House went; and, having returned—
§ Mr. SPEAKER reported the Royal Assent to:
- 1. Defence Loans Act, 1939.
- 2. Mining Industry (Welfare Fund) Act, 1939.
- 3. Bacon Industry (Amendment) Act, 1939.
- 4. Czecho-Slovakia (Restrictions on Banking Accounts, etc.) Act, 1939.
- 5. Kirkcaldy Corporation Order Confirmation Act, 1939.
- 6. Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (South Staffordshire Joint Hospital District) Act, 1939.
- 7. Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Blackburn) Act, 1939.
- 8. Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Hastings) Act, 1939.
- 9. Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Leyton) Act, 1939.
- 10. Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Luton Extension) Act, 1939.
- 11. Mary port Harbour Act, 1939.