HC Deb 22 March 1939 vol 345 cc1269-70
22. Miss Ward

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether, with a view to the additional production of aeroplanes, the full capacity for the sub-contract work in aeroplane production on the North-East Coast is being taken advantage of?

Captain Balfour

It is the policy of my right hon. Friend to spread sub-contracting work on aircraft production as far as possible, and it is the case that a considerable amount of such work is already being carried out in the North-East Coast area. If my hon. Friend is aware of suitable capacity which is now available, my right hon. Friend would be glad to be furnished with particulars.

Mr. R. Gibson

Can the hon. and gallant Gentleman inform the House whether a full and complete,survey of all available works that can take up this work has been made?

Captain Balfour

We have made as many inquiries and obtained as much information as possible. We have now got a Director of Sub-Contracting in the Production Department at the Air Ministry, and if the hon. and learned Member knows of any facilities of which we are unaware, I should be only too glad to be told of them.

23. Miss Ward

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether, in view of the necessity of producing more aeroplanes, full advantage is being taken of the services of available executive personnel with experience of mass aeroplane production?

Captain Balfour

My right hon. Friend has no reason to think that full use is not being made at the present time of personnel with executive experience of large-scale production of modern aircraft. If, however, my hon. Friend has any further suggestions in that connection my right hon. Friend would be glad to receive particulars.

Miss Ward

May I take it that if I send the names of some suitable people, the Air Ministry will make arrangements to see them?

Captain Balfour

Naturally, my right hon. Friend will be glad to receive particulars of any one who is suitable.