§ 51. Sir George Mitchesonasked the Minister of Health whether he is aware of the long delays which occur in connection with the publication of information based upon censuses of the population and of production, and that the Registrar-General's Decennial Supplement relating to occupational mortality in 1931 was published only this month; and whether having regard to the importance of returns of this, and a similar, kind, both in respect of administration and legislation, steps can be taken in future for their more rapid publication?
§ Mr. ElliotThe Registrar-General's Decennial Supplement, which was published in October last, is part of a series which cannot be taken in hand until the reports for the previous census have been completed, and I can assure my hon. Friend that every effort is made to secure the publication of the Registrar-General's statistical reports at as early a date as possible. The time between the census of production and the publication of the results has been progressively lessened at each of the last two censuses, and I understand from my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade that some further improvement may be possible at the next census.