HC Deb 15 March 1939 vol 345 cc381-2
9. Mr. Whiteley

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the action of the German authorities in detaining the acting president of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain at Aachen and compelling him to strip; and whether he will make a protest against this action and thus prevent similar treatment to other persons passing through Germany?

Mr. Butler

My Noble Friend has seen accounts which have appeared in the Press, and if the hon. Member will furnish me with details, my Noble Friend will consider whether any action can be taken in the matter.

Mr. Whiteley

Am I to understand from that reply that no promise at all has been made by the Government?

Mr. Butler

We have had no official report on the matter and that is why I ask the hon. Member to let me have any information in his possession, when we will examine it.

Mr. T. Smith

Surely the right hon. Gentleman must have seen the Press re ports upon this matter during the week end?

Mr. Butler

I said in my original answer that my Noble Friend has seen accounts in the Press, and I have seen them my self, but I should like to have any further information which the hon. Member can give.

Miss Wilkinson

Did we wait for official communications before the right hon. Gentleman's predecessor made protests to the Russian Government about the arrest of the engineers?

Mr. Butler

I am afraid that I can only answer for myself.

Mr. David Adams

What form should the additional information take? Will it be a statement by Mr. Lawther himself?

Mr. Butler

The more information we can have the better.

12. Mr. A. Henderson

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the recent holding up at the point of a revolver of two British subjects by agents of the German Gestapo near Saarbrucken, a few miles from the German frontier, and their detention for six hours; and what action His Majesty's Government propose to take to protect British tourists travelling in Germany from such interference?

Mr. Butler

Yes, Sir, and His Majesty's Consul-General at Frankfort has been re quested to furnish a report on the incident.

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