41. Mr. W. Joseph Stewartasked the Minister of Health whether a complete survey of the burning spoil-heaps in the country has yet been made; and, if so, what action the Government propose to take to deal with them?
§ Mr. ElliotThe completion of the survey will take about another 15 months and the second part of the question does not, therefore, arise. Approximately 75 per cent. of the burning pit heaps have been visited by the alkali inspectors. Repeat visits will, however, be necessary in many cases to see the effect of remedial measures and the need for further measures.
Mr. StewartWhen the survey is completed, will the right hon. Gentleman send instructions to the persons responsible for those dumps, with a view to the removal or treatment of the dumps?
§ Mr. ElliotTheir removal raises a big question, but as to treatment, I do not wait for the survey to be completed. The inspectors are giving instructions for remedial measures while the survey is in progress.
§ Mr. PilkingtonHas the limestone dust method been found to be satisfactory?
§ Mr. ElliotI should require notice of that question.
§ Mr. MathersAre the remedial measures expensive?
§ Mr. ElliotThey differ according to the circumstances.