HC Deb 09 March 1939 vol 344 c2318
18. Mr. Pilkington

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will take steps so that in future the nationality of all persons on the employed register is shown?

Mr. E. Brown

I would refer my hon. Friend to the reply given to him on this subject on 22nd February.

Mr. Pilkington

Does not the right hon. Gentleman think the taxpayers have a right to know how many alien people they are supporting?

Mr. Brown

The hon. Member will understand that the step he is asking me to take would involve asking over 12,000,000 insured persons their nationality.

Mr. E. J. Williams

Is the right hon. Gentleman taking steps to see that people are not being brought into the country by employers?

Mr. Brown

That is a separate question entirely. I gave an answer on that. If the hon. Member has any further questions, perhaps he will put them down.

Mr. Williams

Are not foreigners being admitted into the country?

Mr. Brown

The issue would depend on whether or not they come in on the application of an employer. If that is the case, they have to get a permit from the Ministry of Labour. If they come in as refugees the matter is one for the Home Office.

Mr. Graham White

Does the right hon. Gentleman agree with the suggestion that people receive unemployment benefit who are not entitled to it?

Mr. Pilkington

In view of the widespread feeling, will not the right hon. Gentleman reconsider his decision?