HC Deb 08 March 1939 vol 344 cc2124-5
30. Mr. Parker

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty the number of officers entered in each branch of the Navy, respectively, last year, with the total; and the number in each branch from universities, public schools, preparatory schools, and promoted from the lower deck, under the early age promotion schemes, and the totals?

Mr. Shakespeare

As the information involves a table of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the Official Report.

Following is the reply:

The hon. Member will appreciate that the time available has rendered it impossible to examine the individual records of the officers and the notes indicating types of education have, therefore, to be general.

Entries in the calendar year 1938.
(1) Dartmouth Cadets 131
(2) Special Entry Cadets 168
(3) Direct Entry Cadets 21
(4) Promotions to Acting Sub-Lieut. And Acting Sub-Lieut. (E) direct from lower deck 24
(5) Engineer Officers entered from the Universities 1
(6) Artificer Apprentices promoted to Cadet (E) 4
(7) R.N.R. transferees 120
(8) Paymaster Cadets 40
(9) Medical Officers 1st appointments 35
(10) Dental Officers 1st appointments 15
(11) Instructor Officers 1st appointments 6
(12) Warrant Officers, Executive Branch 131
(13) Warrant Officers, Engineer Branch 62
(14) Warrant Officers, Accountant Branch 19
(15) Warrant Officers, Medical Branch 4
(16) Schoolmasters 35
(17) Air Branch transfers from R.A.F. 105
(18) Air Branch Entries from civil life 138

Notes.—Of the foregoing the officers at (1) are entered from preparatory schools; those at (2), (8), (18) and (19) are from public or secondary schools; those at (3) from the Nautical College, Pangbourne, Worcester and Conway; the officers at (5), (9), (10), (11), (2) and some of those at (16) are entered from the Universities.