HC Deb 08 March 1939 vol 344 cc2126-7
32. Lieut.-Commander Fletcher

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether the two aircraft carriers under construction by Germany comply with the armament limitations imposed on this country by the Three-Power Treaty of 25th March, 1936, and accepted by Germany also?

Mr. Shakespeare

The Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1937 was ratified on 4th November, 1937, and entered into-force on that date. The two aircraft carriers under construction by Germany were laid down in 1936, and are not, therefore, subject to the limitations of that Agreement.

Lieut.-Commander Fletcher

Is it not the case that the Three-Power Treaty prohibits aircraft carriers being armed with more than 10 5.2-inch guns, and that these aircraft carriers are designed with 16 5.9-inch guns?

Mr. Shakespeare

I think that these aircraft carriers were subject to the limitations of the Washington Treaty, and they were built before the Anglo-German Agreement was made and do not come-within its terms.

Sir A. Sinclair

Were there no negotiations at the time of the Anglo-German Treaty about these two aircraft carriers?

Mr. Shakespeare

The Agreement referred to future construction.

Lieut.-Commander Fletcher

Is it not perfectly clear that these two aircraft carriers do, in fact, violate the letter and the spirit of the Anglo-German Agreement?

33. Lieut-Commander Fletcher

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether the obligation upon Germany to furnish information regarding the main armament of all warships she lays down was fulfilled as regards the cruisers "Seydlitz" and "L"?

Mr. Shakespeare

Yes, Sir.

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